The Railhouse Bar presents...
Greg Fieler (Matinee Show)
Time: 3:00pm
Day: Saturday
Doors: 11:00am
Ages: All Ages with Parent or Guardian 21+
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Greg Fieler Aka ‘Crazy Uncle Greg and the Dudeist Priest’ and ‘Folking Greg’ to some is a singer songwriter living in Kyle, TX. His jazz and classically influenced folk music is mostly mellow and laid back.
You can find his self produced 2019 debut folk EP “Taste of Red'' by ‘Crazy Uncle Greg and the Dudeist Priest’ on all major streaming platforms. You can also explore a dizzying array of many different kinds of music ranging from quiet and peaceful piano solos to chaotic synth based jazz and neo classical music by following ‘Greg Fieler’ on your streaming service of choice.
Crazy Uncle Greg and the Dudeist Priest
Greg Fieler